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TRADERS: Don't Put Another Penny In The Markets Until You've Read This.

"Discover The Forex System That That Can Finally Make You Part Of The "Elite 1%" Of Traders Who Make 99% Of The Profits While Most Traders Get Nowhere."

If you’ve ever wished you could make SERIOUS money trading and finally quit your job…

If you’ve ever wanted to escape the 9-5 grind and earn “doctor” or “lawyer” level money just by trading…

If you’ve ever dreamed of being the ‘superstar’ trading genius whose friends envy them and wonder how they’re able to pull it off…

... I’m going to show you a system that can help you do exactly that...

This is a tool that has helped dozens of people who were previously getting nowhere on Forex finally become winning traders.

This is something you can literally “plug in and run” and start using to make trades this afternoon...

... A system that’s been tested in live trades HUNDREDS of times.

It’s produced trades that have netted $3,000 and beyond in just ONE DAY...

... Even by traders that aren’t that experienced.

You’re literally just minutes from having this ready to run on your computer.

But before I show this to you I need to ask you a question.

Why Do You REALLY Want To Trade?

Really stop and think about that for a second.

Is it really because you want “money”?

Or is there a much deeper, more primal, and more fundamental reason?

We actually want money because of the things it gives us access to.

Not just the things it buys...

... like mansions, fast cars and front row tickets...

... But the respect and admiration it gets us from other people.

Top traders are thought of as brilliant, almost like real life magicians.

Guys like Warren Buffett, George Soros and Ray Dalio are seen as some of the most influential people in the world.

They’re almost thought of as geniuses.

But Here’s A Secret For You… Most Of These Top Traders Aren’t Geniuses, They Just Have The Right Tools.

Mark Twain has a quote...

“Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.”

When he wrote that back in the 19th century, he was probably right.

Before the days of technology, anybody who wanted to make it needed to put in TONS of work to achieve anything.

But we live in a different world today.

In this world, if you have access to the right tools, you can make millions of dollars without even working that hard.

Many Forex millionaires work just an hour or two a day…

... Because they have the tools and systems that let them do that.

So, to update Twain’s quote for the 21st century and Forex trading...

“Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% which systems you use.”

If you own the right tools making money in Forex becomes ridiculously EASY.

It all comes down to...

The Secret That Made The Poor Son Of An NYC Jazz Musician 10 BILLION Dollars.

This story deals with someone you may have heard before.

But you probably don’t know how he got his beginnings.

Ray Dalio was born in a rough neighborhood in Queens (part of NYC) in 1949.

The son of a Jazz musician, he grew up poor as hell...

... But he knew he wanted to make a SHITLOAD of money and live the lifestyle that wasn’t available to him growing up.

Even though he grew up in one of the worst neighborhoods in NYC, he was an entrepreneur from a young age.

He got his start by mowing his neighbors’ laws and shoveling their driveways in the winter.

It wasn’t much but it set a fire in his belly and made him want to be his own boss and eventually make a ton of money.

So naturally he had an interest in trading.

He knew that some of the richest people in the world were traders and he wanted to get in on that action himself.

But being a son of a poor family in a slum in Queen’s, how was he supposed to do that?

The Power Of The Right System: How Ray Made His First 300% Trade

Ray didn’t have any connections when he was starting out.

Having a dad who played Jazz in nightclubs isn’t good for getting connections on Wall Street.

But Ray did know that lots of traders made money on their own without any connections or even jobs.

So, he started reading up on the subject of markets religiously.

He started writing down rules, a set of guidelines that would let him make good decisions about the markets.

This was in the late 1960s, well before technology was just part of the trading landscape.

But what he developed was essentially an early “system.”

Following the principles of his own system Dalio made an astonishing 300% return on that first trade.

He fell in love with systems SO MUCH, that he actually computerized and systemized his ENTIRE trading approach.

As was written in a recent Economist article about him...

“[Dalio’s] process is now computerized, so that combinations of scores of decision-rules are applied to the 100 or so liquid-asset classes in which Bridgewater invests.”

Since upgrading and computerizing his system, Dalio’s fund has grown to be the largest in the world.

Some people think Ray Dalio is a “genius.”

But really, he’s just a guy who used the right system at the right time.

Let that sink in:
The ONE thing that enabled Dalio to build the LARGEST hedge fund in the world and accumulate $10 billion for himself was just having the right system.

The bad news is...

... Dalio’s system isn’t publicly known (for obvious reasons).

The good news is we’re about to share a system with you that can change your life and make you more money than you’ve EVER seen on Forex.

Introducing Levelator Pro, The Two Step System That Can DOUBLE or TRIPLE The Money You’re Making On Forex Overnight

The Levelator Pro is one of the most “winningest” trading systems ever put together by my crew, the Tradeology Team.

We’re a group of traders that has spent the past 10 years trading and testing what works and what doesn’t in the Forex Market.

We trade thousands of dollars’ worth of real money almost every single day and run trading contests that pay out more than $100,000 per year.

Having years of trading experiments to draw on has given us a lot of insight into trading systems that work and generate HUGE PROFITS for the traders who use them.

To date, Levelator Pro is one of the most consistently profitable systems we’ve EVER developed.

Wesley Govender, a trader who is affiliated with the Tradeology team, used this system to pull off trades like...

  • $3,000 in 15 MINUTES.

  • $3,087 in less than half an hour.

  • $3,255 from a very simple currency hedge that closed in just minutes.

  • $973 in a VERY simple 5-minute US dollar vs. Canadian dollar trade.

Other Tradeology team members have used it to pull off even MORE impressive trades (see the evidence below).

What makes the Levelator Pro so effective is its simple “1-2 punch” structure.

We developed a TOTALLY new indicator for this system that works in conjunction with the MACD indicator to make profitable trading decisions a cinch.

The Levelator Pro indicator on its own can give your account a leg up and add some fast, easy dollars to it in a hurry.

But the REAL benefit of the Levelator Pro is how it works together with the MACD indicator.

The Levelator Pro indicator gives you a VERY SIMPLE way to tell whether you’re looking at an up-trend or a downtrend.

If the trend lines are mostly blue you’re looking at an uptrend.

If the lines are mostly red you’re looking at a downtrend.

This on its own is a ridiculously easy system to master and can add some pips to your account FAST.

But when you combine it with the MACD indicator (which is also included) it’s twice as powerful.

You can combine the two indicators to do a “one two-punch” that’s the easiest way to knock out big profits on Forex I’ve ever seen.

Let me show you how easy this can be for you. Watch this video.

Look at the image on the right.

Can you see how a portion of the chart is coloured blue?

Can you see how some parts of the blue area are divided up into levels?

That’s why this method is called the Levelator by the way.

Can you see the text that says:
  • Trade Area 1
  • Trade Area 2
  • Trade Area 3
  • Trade Area 4

If you are following me so far then you can trade the Levelator Pro method and could make a small fortune.

This is a simple system that does all the work for you. Once you know the rules you will clearly see on the chart when it’s time to take a trade.

It really is that simple.

If you can read basic charts you can make money on Forex with this system (don’t worry if those charts look like Greek to you right now, they’re explained and made crystal clear inside the Levelator Pro guide).

Here, watch a simple demonstration…

Click Here To Watch Video


It’s so deceptively simple to use that many traders might not believe it could make all the cash it does.


Time is a precious commodity for all of us. Being able to trade and make cash could take you just minutes with my Levelator Pro system.

You could be making money within hours: not days, or weeks, or months, but within 60 minutes of getting your copy of my Levelator Pro.

  • From anywhere in the world.

  • Choosing your own hours.

  • To pay off your mortgage or...

  • Buy the vacation home you’ve always dreamed of.

  • Or that sports car you always wished you could have.

So, here’s what you’ll get today...

You Get The Top Secret Report Of The Levelator Pro - The Most Scientific Way To Trade Ever Invented

Value $500

The secret to how this builds wealth lies in the consistent and predictable stream of income it produces by only taking the highest probability trades.

Inside the detailed, step by step manual you’ll learn:

  • How to execute the PERFECT Forex buy trade.
    Discover how to quickly identify a trend with 90% accuracy and enter into a trade at just the right moment. Time your buys so perfectly it’s almost impossible not to profit!

  • When and how to SELL for a quick profit.
    One simple chart sign that tells you immediately it’s time to close out a trade and walk away from it with a tidy profit.

  • Aggressive vs. conservative trades explained.
    Two different approaches that both lead to a huge amount of profit… How to push all in when you KNOW you’ve got a huge trend on your hands and hedge your bets when you’re not as sure.

  • 4 POWERFUL example trades that show you how to execute the Levelator Pro system for the 4 hottest currency pairs:
    - USDCAD Aggressive Long Trade.
    - EURUSD Conservative Long Trade.
    - GBPUSD Aggressive Short Trade.
    - EURNZD Conservative Short Trade.

  • The Levelator Pro Indicator broken down and explained in detail.
    A simple “two-color” differentiator to let you know when you’re dealing with a bullish signal or a bearish signal. It’s literally as simple as being able to tell the color blue from the color red.

  • A complete CRASH COURSE in the MACD indicator.
    A very simple indicator that tells you, in one simple chart line, whether you really have a trend on your hands or not.

  • How to execute the “one two punch.”
    How to pull off the two-step setup involving Levelator Pro AND the MACD indicator which lets you make brilliant-seeming (and ridiculously profitable) trades in SECONDS.

  • PLUS, you'll receive mind-blowingly detailed, in-depth charting techniques illustrated and backed up with live trade screenshots from real traders.

  • The Levelator Pro Indicator... Ready To Download And Run On Your Computer INSTANTLY So You Can Start Adding Pips To Your Account

But that’s not all you get…

You’ll also receive

Personal attention from me inside my private members’ area where you can ask me any question you like about the Levelator Pro.
Value $500

You also get to attend live webinars where I demonstrate how to use the Levelator Pro and go over your trades and the trades of other members.
Value $500

You also get access to my support team that can answer any questions you might have if I’m not in the members’ area at the time.
Value $250

Let’s take a look at the total value…

You get a copy of the Levelator Pro $500 Value
Personal attention inside my members area $500 Value
Access to my live webinars $500 Value
Support from my team of professional traders $250 Value

Total $1,750 Value

Now, we could charge that, and many people would gladly pay to get what we feel certain is the fastest, easiest way to earn cash ever created.

BUT… then we wouldn't be able to get it into the hands of as many people as we would like.

We could charge half of that amount and charge $875 and that would still be a fair price.

If we drastically cut the price to $437 it would be a bargain.

And if we were being completely ridiculous we could give it away at 10% of the price at $175.


If you act today, you will pay only…


Not only that…

You can try Levelator Pro out for a full 60 days.

100% No Questions Asked Guarantee – You Risk Nothing!

Even though this is only going to cost you the price of a good meal, and its real value is well over $1,750. we want you to be 100% confident that you are not making a mistake.

If for any reason you are unhappy with the Levelator Pro then you can have a 100% refund, with no questions asked.

You don’t need to explain why, and you don’t need to worry about us feeling bad. We are totally confident that you will be happy, but just in case you’re not, you have a full 60 days to decide if this is what I say it is.

This could be your chance to:

  • Earn a five-figure income or more.

  • Live incredible lifestyle (total freedom to work whenever you want AND work from home).

  • Discover way to get better returns in your savings or retirement account.

  • Add a few pips to your account whenever you need them.

  • Make more money than would be available to you with ‘normal’ investments (stocks and bonds).

  • Have a strategy, techniques and tools that can make you money FOR LIFE!

You are just minutes away from taking the first step toward ALL of this.

Here’s the bottom line:

For decades only the wealthiest and most successful traders knew the secret of taking daily profits from the Forex market.

Now, for the first time ever, you can have the same power to build your own financial freedom by using the only mechanical and mathematically proven system that makes money like clockwork.

All you need to do is take action now...

Just Click The Big Order Button Below To Instantly Secure Your Copy Of Forex Levelator Pro for just $47 now.

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